To really understand forgiveness we need to first understand the word PRIDE. When you hear the word pride, what do you think of? Pride in an accomplishment? Perhaps you think of pride in your athletic team or pride in being the citizen of a certain country. While these kinds of prides are quite alright, there is another kind of pride that is insidious and damaging.
The kind of pride that hurts us is sometimes called false pride. It is when we put ourselves in a state or position to others. It is when we feel hatred, jealousy, resentment, superiority, ill will or anger towards others. False pride is selfish! It can be like a temper tantrum. When our way is the best and the only way.
When we pit our own will in resistance against others, we steal our own power; we paralyze ourselves and stop our progress.
In reality, allowing false pride to persist in your life only thwarts your own progress and hurts you.
Pride of this sort leads to trapped emotions, because it does not allow you to let go and forgive: it does not allow you to access a higher path that leads towards real inner peace. Instead pride leads down to the dark road of negative feelings, usually with the feeling of resentment.

As Buddha stated : Anger will never disappear so long as the thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
Hatred, jealousy, resentment, superiority, ill will, anger, guilt and fear hold us captive until we are able to let go of them. The key to letting go is forgiveness. Forgiveness of others as well as ourselves.
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the shackles that keeps us chained to guilt and fear and sets us free.
Forgiveness is the eraser of guilt and fear!
Forgiveness does not mean that you forget. Forgiveness does not necessarily benefit the person you forgive. It does not mean that you like the person or what he or she did. Nor does it require that you let the offender back into your life.
Forgiveness does not require that you tell the person you have forgiven him or her, nor does it require you tell anyone else. Forgiveness does not require that you forget what happened thereby opening yourself up to a repeat of a hurtful behavior.
Forgiveness means that you will no longer feel angry but might feel sadness, pity or compassion towards the offender. It means that you let go and have begun to heal. Forgiveness gives you back your mental and emotional energy, allowing you to focus on the pleasurable and productive things in life. Forgiveness gives you peace of mind.
Realize that until you forgive the persons who hurt you, they will still hurt you, perhaps long after they have stopped thinking about you or the situation.
At Aruba Hypnosis Center we follow the Universal Therapy Protocol of OMNI Hypnosis Training Center. One of the most important parts of the Universal Therapy is Forgiveness.